cobra vs viper cobra vs viper

king cobras can reach 18 feet (5.5meters) in length, making them the longest of all venomous snakes. king cobras maybe best know as the s...

lions attack buffaloes lions attack buffaloes

Incredible video of lions hunting a buffalo, then the rest of the buffalo herd arrive to try and help. do they succeed? Lion, the king o...

Elephant attack Elephant attack

untamed uncut and angry elephant is about two weeks mother's screams dreams as men try to fight off ten thousand-pound killer. on ...

five headed snake, four........ five headed snake, four........

this is a rare video of a five headed snake, four headed snake, three headed snake, two headed snake. there are about 2700 species of...

snake eats snake snake eats snake

snakes eat their prey whole and are able to consume prey three times larger then the diameter of their head because their lower jaw can ...