Dog VS Snake

The small dog but brave can fighting with snake in the lake, it small dog but not afraid, avicious animal. Thanks for watching this video Source:…
Ghost Follow old Man
Ghost talk with girl
Giant Anaconda

A reptile specialist leading the search for a snake on the lose in lake. Green anacondas can grow to be as large as 29 feet and 550 pounds. A snake this size can probably swim about 25 miles an hour. The giant snake loose that's been spotted on lake Hopatcong is a green. Andrejcak said he saw the sn…
buffalo attack lion

Lion attack a herd of cape buffalo on the serengeti plain, November 2013. The buffalo is also known as the African buffalo and the cape buffalo, lion vs buffalo. An epic battle between a lion and a buffalo. Whether buffalo or lion will win? Thank for watching my video. Source:…
Giant anaconda attack crocodile

Giant Anaconda attacks and swallows crocodile ( Rare and shucking ). Two amazing predators meet in the water. Once the snake had killed the crocodile, it proceeded to swallow it whole. Let's see together in this battle have only one leaves alive, Who win?. Thank for watching my video!!! Source:https…
Real Ghost jumping

Real ghost caught on camera jumping in well. Some paranormal and screaming was heard by some workers at field. let us know what you feel about ghost and share your ghost or paranormal experience with us. Ghosts are everywhere on ghost world TV. So take a look on various ghost caught video and camera…
Real ghost

This incident took place on 25 March, 2007. Camera recorded all activities on street and then it captured the biker and ghost sitting on back seat. If you seen in slow motion ( 0:35 ) we can see it's a man like black figure hovering on bike seat and moving along with bike. Tell us what you see? Sour…
Lion VS Baboon

Lion attack baboon wild animal attack. Baboon are African and Arabian old world monkeys. The baboon of all the primates in East Africa most frequently interacts with people. Grass makes up a large part of their diet along with berries, seeds, pods, blossoms, leaves, roots, bark and sap from a variet…
Snake in car

Pythons live near the equator, in Asia and Africa, where it is hot and wet and their huge bodies can stay warm. They make their home in caves or in trees. Python swallowed whole and digested food in the stomach except for the trash or hair horns. This means that a python may only need to eat four or…
Eagle VS Sea snake

Eagle is the king of bird. When a fierce eagle and one of the worlds most venomous snakes are out to kill each other, Who win? This is the white sea eagle in the south china sea near Borneo. When this eagle spreads, its wings the bandit sea snake sees the movement and dives. Snakes usually living in…
Biggest sinkhole

Have you ever seen the canyon such a big? World including the biggest sinkhole in the world ever!. Incredibles giant hole in siberia and South Africa, the end of world. HOLE on earth biggest sinkhole on earth, the largest open pit mine in the world and the biggest. Scientific analysis of a large s…
Tiger vs Crocodile

The tiger is a large strong mammal. It is the biggest member of the cat family. They eat large mammals such as deer, which they kill using their sharp teeth. The crocodile is a reptile that has a big mouth and powerful jaws. It is a formidable animal that can reach over seven meters in length. His b…
Python attack Man

Steve massx become victims one of the attacks. Python bite his face when he try to catch it. Python snake venom and are less likely to respond to any attack by anyone. When the enemy aggression and python began to attack. Python species is the largest, then another snake. Thank for watching my video…
Ghost Video

GHOST VIDEO: Are you believe around the world have ghost? An old man crossing the street, the top of his head appear a black shadow. What is it? Ghost following old man or man possessed by ghost? Whether it is real or not real? Thank for watching my video. Source:…
Crocodile attack Elephant

Amazing video of a large crocodile attack an elephant. When a mom elephant decides to take a drink from a river. She don't know there have crocodile. Elephant's trunk is so strong, it can lift a crocodile and throw it some distance away. When crocodile attack elephant, Who win? Source: https://www.…
Real Mermaid

Were two mermaids killed in the controversial '' Fire Pool '' of president Jacob Zuma's home in Nkandla and taken to a research facility in Durba. Two mermaids were discovered in Nkandla, south Africa. Two live mermaids were allegedly discovered in a pool near south Africa's president Jacob Zuma's h…
Giant snake in red sea

According to a story on facebook a monster snake epic proportions. Was founded killed by specialty IV chip scientists and divers room on images have been floating around. The snake was found in the red sea . They claim stay was over twenty feet tall and as long as three and a half school bus. the ag…
Flying snake

Also known as the flying snake! snake flying thinks It's pretty slick, and It is flying snake is one of 5 flying snakes that have been to attain the incredible amount off lift and drag created by the flying snake. Another interesting trait is the tentacled snake's incredible attack speed, As amazing…
king cobra mating..

So what happens is, that during the breeding season as the weather warms up, the male king cobra produces a special hormone that makes him lose his appetite. At the same time , the female produces her own special hormone that leads the male and lets him understand she is ready for mating. this mati…
Snake Vs Killer Squirrel

squirrels are familiar to almost everyone. more then 200 squirrel species live all over the world, with the notable exception of Autralia. the tiniest squirrel is the aptly named African pygmy squirrel-only five inches (thirteen centimeters) long from nose to tail. snake species are venomous reptil…